  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown, Rep. Turner

From: A verified voter in Dayton, OH

June 28

This message is for President Biden. Sir, with love and respect, I beg you to put this country first and step aside. You are a brilliant man and you don’t need to be told why I am asking this from you. Secretary Buttigieg would be an excellent choice to run with VP Harris. You have lived an amazing life and you still have amazing things to accomplish, but not as POTUS. If Trump wins, this country is ruined. Imagine the legacy you would leave if you were to step aside in a grandiose manner - leaving the future of the country in the hands of the next generation of leaders. Please. Please do the right thing and step aside before it is too late. Show the world how much of a bigger man and better human you are than Trump. Thank you.

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