  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Stand Firm Against Republican Threats to Democracy

To: Rep. Stanton, Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Chandler, AZ

June 5

The anticipated "weaponization" investigations by House Republicans pose a grave threat to our democratic institutions and norms. Their apparent aim to discredit and obstruct legitimate oversight and accountability measures is deeply concerning. We must safeguard the integrity of government processes and the rule of law. Engaging in overtly partisan witch hunts will only deepen partisan divisions and erode public trust further. I urge you to firmly reject and counter these corrosive efforts that undermine our system of checks and balances. Protecting our democracy from authoritarian overreach must be the top priority. We cannot allow these alarming actions to go unchallenged.

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