  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Attend Tomorrow’s Congressional Briefing By Doctors Who Just Returned From Gaza!

To: Rep. Crow, Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet

From: A verified voter in Littleton, CO

June 25

I am writing to urge you to attend the congressional briefing being held tomorrow at 10:00 am on Capitol Hill, courtesy of Rebuilding Alliance. This important briefing will feature four remarkable doctors who have just returned from Gaza. They will provide an in-depth overview of the health crisis caused by the Israeli blockade and offer tangible recommendations to U.S. representatives, followed by a Q&A session. The briefing is scheduled for tomorrow, June 26th, at 10:00 am EST in the Rayburn House Office Building, room number 2060. I will send/have sent an email with the registration link, and you can contact Rebuilding Alliance for more information or visit their website at Your attendance at this briefing is crucial. By joining, you will gain firsthand insights into the dire health situation in Gaza and learn how the U.S. can play a role in addressing these urgent humanitarian needs. If you cannot attend this briefing, please email to schedule a meeting with one of the doctors who went to Gaza. Please join the briefing on my behalf and let me know what you learn. I will do my best to join or watch if it is made available to constituents. Please use your influence, on my behalf, to intervene and save lives in every way you can. It is extremely urgent that you prioritize reopening borders for medical evacuations and humanitarian aid. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you will prioritize attending this critical briefing and take decisive action to support humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

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