  1. United States
  2. Letter

Urging President Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race for a Stronger Candidate

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Atlanta, GA

June 28

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen and a supporter who proudly voted for you in the 2020 presidential election. I deeply appreciate the significant progress you have made over the past four years, particularly in navigating the country through unprecedented challenges and promoting progressive values that resonate with so many of us. However, I feel compelled to share my concerns regarding the upcoming 2024 presidential race. After watching last night's debate, it has become evident to me, and I believe to many others, that your age is increasingly becoming a focal point of your candidacy. While your experience and wisdom are unparalleled, the demanding nature of the presidency requires a leader who can effectively communicate, exude confidence, and embody the strength needed to lead our nation forward. The stakes in the upcoming election are extraordinarily high. The possibility of Donald Trump securing another term is a daunting prospect that many of us fear. In this critical moment, the Democratic Party needs a candidate who not only upholds the progressive values you have championed but also possesses the charisma and vigor to inspire and mobilize the electorate. I firmly believe that someone like Governor Gavin Newsom could be that candidate. His leadership, vision, and ability to connect with people across the political spectrum make him a formidable contender who can carry forward the legacy of your administration while appealing to a broader, younger demographic. Mr. President, your tenure has been marked by significant achievements and a steadfast commitment to the American people. Your leadership during these challenging times has not gone unnoticed, and for that, we are profoundly grateful. However, in the best interest of our nation and the principles we hold dear, I urge you to consider stepping down from the 2024 presidential race. This would pave the way for a new leader to take the reins, ensuring that the progress we have made is not undone and that our country continues to move forward. Thank you for your service, dedication, and understanding. Your legacy will undoubtedly be remembered as one of resilience and progress. I hope you will consider this request with the same thoughtfulness and care that you have shown throughout your presidency.

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