- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
I'm writing to you today with a heavy heart and a burdened soul, calling for an immediate ceasing of the actions contributing to the bitter plight of the innocent Palestinian civilians. It is utterly heart-wrenching to witness the disastrous conditions these humans -no different from you or me- are subjected to. The losses they have suffered in their own homeland, the fear they carry in their hearts, and the cries of innocent children that echo through the debris of their once safe homes - it is a catastrophic situation that deserves our urgent attention.
I implore and beseech those holding the levers of power to immediately halt the funding of weapons to Israel, weapons that inevitably end up terrorizing and targeting the defenseless Palestinians. How can we ignore the blatant atrocities and continue to supply the tools that fuel this merciless barrage against these innocent souls? How can we propagate peace while our actions corroborate the very antithesis of it? The civilian deaths, the displacement, the reign of terror - it's high time we put a stop to this and prioritized human life over geopolitical interests.
Therefore, I demand an immediate end to the US's funding to Israel's actions against Palestine, particularly the provision of armaments, which only perpetuates the dire humanitarian crisis faced by the Palestinian civilians. We have a humanitarian responsibility to protect innocent lives, and we must urge the international community to support a ceasefire. This is not about choosing sides or fostering discord; it's about standing up for what's right, and right now, what's right is to prevent any further loss of innocent Palestinian lives. An appeal for peace should be the chorus of our voices, a mantra of our actions, and the legacy we leave behind.