  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Investigate Heritage Foundation's Threats to Undermine 2024 Election

To: Rep. Garcia

From: A verified voter in Houston, TX

July 12

It is deeply concerning to read reports of the Heritage Foundation's war game exercise that appears to lay the groundwork for rejecting the results of the 2024 presidential election. Their preemptive declaration of "a zero percent chance of a free and fair election" and baseless claims of a Biden administration conspiracy to manipulate the outcome are antithetical to democratic principles. This rhetoric undermines faith in our electoral process without any credible evidence. Staging hypothetical scenarios like celebrity kidnappings or mass protests overtaking detention facilities seems designed to manufacture a pretense for challenging legitimate election results. Suggesting the Biden administration has engaged in "a coordinated invasion over our southern border for the purposes of impacting this election" is an inflammatory accusation not supported by facts. A healthy democracy requires all parties to respect the will of the voters as expressed through free and fair elections. Preemptively declaring elections illegitimate and concocting far-fetched narratives of interference erodes that bedrock principle. I urge you to launch a thorough investigation into the Heritage Foundation's activities and intent behind promoting such unsubstantiated claims that could incite efforts to undermine our democratic process. Preserving faith in our elections is vital for the peaceful transfer of power.

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