  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Jackson

From: A verified voter in Wichita Falls, TX

July 14

How can someone shoot the speaker at a political rally? When the second amendment was written, which includes the word militia, people could not conceive of the types of weapons that now exist. There is discussion of how to stop shootings whenever there is a school shooting. Without taking the right to have guns away, Congress can change the law which protects the manufacturers of fire arms from being sued. Congress can make sure the Red Flag laws are followed by removing federal funds from any county that does not enforce the Red Flag laws. If felons can be armed with guns, they should be limited in the type and number they are allowed to have. A law preventing felons who have used a gun in the crime that brought them to justice needs to be passed. Please consider these laws in order to keep politicians, like yourself, safe.

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