  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

The recent escalation in violence is devastating and disheartening. The dreadful reality of war shatters homes, hearts, and hope, while our loved ones perish amidst shattered rubble and dreams. I write you today as a poignant plea for help, an outcry from the heart of an ordinary man deeply disturbed by the tragedies unfolding before our eyes. It is a plea for humanity, for cessation, for empathy - a desperate call to end the lethal dance of violence that we see unfolding between Israel and Palestine. It goes beyond turning a blind eye, an avenue exhausted, as we raise concerns about the openly funded U.S. aid potent enough to cause deadly harm for Palestinian civilians. Fueling arms, fostering conflict, engaging in an inhumane act of perpetuating violence is not the response we yearn for. War is not the language of justice, it is the echo of our failures. Be it in the depth of Gaza or the width of the West Bank, these ghastly images we all witness today are an undeniable proof that we've deviated from the core of our shared humanity. This is an urgent demand for a ceasefire, an immediate termination of the infrastructure that sanctions violence—in any form or kind. This call is not merely about the moral or ethical standing but a transcendence of our collective global conscience, a grave concern for our shared future. Let us not merely preach peace, let us engage in genuine actions that align with its true essence. Let's shatter these chains of endless torment, let us halt these crimes against humanity—for our sake, for the sake of our children, for the sake of our humanity, let our voices rise until the siege is silenced, until the ceasefire is called. Our shared future is scarred with each exploitative action, etched into the history we insist on repeating. How many more lives must be lost before we realize we've been dancing to the wrong tune?

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