  1. United States
  2. Letter


To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Walnut Creek, CA

May 15

No arms to Israel. The $1 billion in new weapons to Israel is not supported by the majority of Americans. We want peace Everywhere in the world, and the US supplying enough arms to replenish Israel’s stockpile and destroying the West Bank, killing children and women, its just horrendous that you would send them more ammunition. The cries for this catastrophe are being screamed at you from college campuses across the US. Remember, young peoples stance against war is on the right side of history. This is something that must be stopped. I’m so sad to think of how this single action, focusing efforts abroad in a war that the majority of Americans oppose, is going to get Trump elected- and that will be to hell with all women’s rights. Do more HERE in the US to protect women and children, and that means doing more to help women and children everywhere, including in Gaza. NO WEAPONS TO ISRAEL. NO WEAPONS TO ISRAEL. NO WEAPONS TO ISRAEL. NO WEAPONS TO ISRAEL. NO WEAPONS ABROAD TO CONTINUE COLONIZATION AND ERADICATION OF HUMANS ANYWHERE!!!

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