  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Do not allow recess appointments!

To: Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Fort Myers, FL

November 12

The recent statement from the president-elect calling for Senate candidates to allow him to make recess appointments is concerning. Bypassing the constitutionally mandated process of advice and consent undermines our system of checks and balances. Recess appointments were intended as a temporary measure, not a way to circumvent the Senate's role in vetting nominees. Allowing the president to unilaterally install officials without Senate confirmation would concentrate too much power in the executive branch. It is vital that we maintain robust oversight and scrutiny of those nominated to lead important government agencies and departments. The Senate plays a crucial role in ensuring qualified, ethical individuals are appointed. I urge you to reject any efforts to enable recess appointments that would weaken the Senate's advice and consent responsibilities. Upholding this constitutional process is essential for maintaining accountability and preserving the balance of powers. The American people deserve a government with robust checks and balances, not unchecked executive power.

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