  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gomez

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

July 18

I’m writing to urge Congress to advance a Community Safety Agenda offering a preventative, multidisciplinary approach to public safety, health, and healing. Enacting this agenda is critical to building healthy, safe, and thriving communities while increasing opportunity for children and families nationwide. What's in the Community Safety Agenda? 1. The People’s Response Act (H.R. 4699): This act proposes the establishment of a Division on Community Safety within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its primary goal is to allocate flexible funding for local initiatives aimed at interrupting violence, responding to civilian crises, preventing abuse, and other related efforts. 2. The Mental Health Justice Act (H.R. 6451): This legislation advocates for redirecting interventions for mental health crises away from law enforcement agencies. Instead, it suggests deploying trained social workers and professionals to handle such situations, thereby promoting more effective and compassionate responses to individuals in crisis. 3. The Break the Cycle of Violence Act (H.R. 5003): This act focuses on investing in community-based violence intervention programs. By addressing the underlying root causes of violence, such as socioeconomic disparities and lack of access to resources, this legislation aims to provide targeted interventions and support services within communities to mitigate and prevent violence. These acts collectively aim to foster safer, healthier communities by prioritizing prevention, addressing systemic issues, and promoting compassionate responses to crises. Please co-sponsor these bills to show that Congress is committed to building a safer, more equitable society. Thanks!

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