  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28, 2024

I write today with a heart burdened by the pain and suffering of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of conflict. The urgency of the matter is overwhelming as we witness the atrocious humanitarian crisis unfolding between Israel and Palestine. The situation calls for immediate attention, compassion, and amends. It is with deep concern that I note the involvement of our nation in perpetuating the violence through funding and supplying lethal weapons. Surely, no one can bear the sight of children, women, and innocent men being perished under the weight of our bullets and bombs. It is incumbent upon us, as citizens of one of the world's leading nations, to advocate for peace, to resist complicity in crimes against humanity. The act of providing arms to a conflict zone does not demonstrate the principles upon which our nation was built; principles of democracy, justice, humanism, and peace. Our aid should focus on rebuilding, not destroying; on promoting peace, not war. Our funding should foster development, not devastations; it should promote dialogue, not plunder. It is long past time we reconsider our foreign policy and stand on the side of life, not death. We have the power to effect change, to put an end to the merciless clashes that have left the people of Palestine in dire straits. By ending arms transfers, we can reduce the bloodshed and devastation, and redirect our resources towards healing and rebuilding efforts. Urgent action is needed to establish a durable ceasefire and to address the gross violations of human rights. Let us uphold our fundamental values, exercise our influence positively, and spread the essence of humanity by putting an end to this brutal aggression. We are, after all, not just responsible for our actions but for our silence too.

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