- United States
- Okla.
- Letter
I am your constituent and I am appalled to learn that in Alabama, frozen embryos are now declared children. Those embryos are used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help people have the children they want. Destroying those embryos when no longer needed is a felony.
IVF is relied upon by millions of people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to have children, restricting its treatment or prosecuting the practice makes no sense in a free country that supposedly values children.
Wait, it gets worse. In 11 states we have fetal personhood. In those states women can be forced to undergo court ordered obstetric surgery to save a fetus over their life.
Women are not full citizens in almost half the country. I strongly urge you to repair the damage the Supreme Court has visited on half of us when they deleted the right to abortion care.
I want you to do everything possible to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (H.R. 12/S. 701) restoring the right to an abortion nationwide and and the Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act (H.R. 767/S. 4467) to make sure the medicine used in 53% of all abortions is available. For me this is a critical issue and I promise I will remember at the next election.