  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Enact US arms embargo on Israel for Gaza atrocities

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Pelosi

From: A constituent in San Francisco, CA

July 26

The United States must impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel due to the unbearable cruelty inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, as witnessed firsthand by medics who have volunteered on the ground. These medical professionals have seen the devastating consequences of Israel's indiscriminate use of force enabled by US-supplied weapons, including disproportionate casualties, destruction of homes and infrastructure, and violations of international law. An arms embargo is a moral imperative to pressure Israel to end its oppressive policies, respect Palestinian lives and dignity, and address the dire humanitarian crisis. As eyewitnesses to this ongoing violence and human rights abuses against the Palestinian people, the volunteer medics' testimonies underscore the urgency for the US government to take concrete action.

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