  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Monticello, IN

August 22, 2024

I'm an uncommitted voter from the state of Indiana. I want to vote for you, especially when I know some of neighbors will be voting for Trump. But I cannot stand by a candidate that does not actively fight to end Israel's genocide and occupation. I don't want a simple ceasefire. I want a President that will stop financially, militarily, and publicly supporting the colonist state of Israel and their war crimes. I want to vote for someone who actually stops talking and starts listening to the people suffering from the US's policies. If you want my vote, you need to immediately stop any funds going into Israel. You need to stop trade and giving soldiers to this apartheid state and instead fight to send supplies and resources to Gazans. No advantage Israel gives the US is worth the death, destruction, and torture of thousands of people. Especially when Israel continues to lie, systematically support rape and harassment of people who are only trying to live their lives, and utterly decimate a longstanding culture and history. If you don't do anything now, in your power as Vice President (which you do have power as), then I will be forced to vote for a candidate who has and will do something to end this. I know both Claudia de La Cruz and Cornel West are good candidates that care about the Palestinians as well as the Americans suffering right now as well. They both support other policies I also desire to see from a presidential candidate (right to abortions, no student debt, free and universal health care, cutting the military budget, taxing the rich, etc). A President is meant to not only represent the people of America, but to genuinely listen and do what is best for those they impact (not only those in the US). If you're not willing to make the changes you can now, you never will be. You cannot use an issue as simply a platform, a false promise. now. Starting right now. And if you don't do these things, then you have lost mine and so many people's support or willingness to support you. Do and be better than you are right

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