  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz, Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

October 5

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Pursuant to my earlier letter today decrying rampant disingenuous BS in GOP politics I offer a CNN analysis of my junior Senator from Texas, perfectly illustrating the point. CNN 10/5/24 reporting by Daniel Dale: THESE 2024 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES DISPUTED THE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS “Sen. Ted Cruz, a key figure in the effort to overturn Biden’s victory, voted to object to the congressional count of Biden’s wins in Pennsylvania and Arizona. Cruz was the senator who brought the objection to counting Arizona’s electoral votes, joining an Arizona member of the House. Cruz said in a January 6, 2021 speech that this objection was “broader” than just Arizona. 
Rather, he said, he wanted Congress to authorize a commission to conduct “a 10-day emergency audit” of the election in “all six of the contested states.” Cruz had promoted this “audit” plan in the days prior, saying further investigation was needed in light of “unprecedented allegations of voter fraud.” When Cruz was asked on ABC in 2022 whether he believed Biden legitimately won the election, he would not answer directly. When pressed, he responded, “So listen: Biden is the president today. There’s a lot of folks in the media … that try to, any time a Republican is in front of a TV camera, try to say, ‘The election was fair and square and legitimate.’” (He went on to complain that journalists supposedly don’t challenge Democrats who have disputed the legitimacy of other elections.) In a televised interview on CNN in May 2024, Cruz said, baselessly, that “I think there was significant voter fraud in 2020.” Cruz’s campaign did not respond to a CNN request to comment for this article on whether he thinks Biden was the legitimate winner. His Democratic opponent is Rep. Colin Allred.” Congrats. Every time I’m reminded of this behavior I donate to Colin Allred. I’m running out of money. But not outrage.

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