  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject harmful healthcare restrictions on transgender youth

To: Sen. Sundareshan

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

May 31

The proposed legislation to require parental consent for gender-affirming care for minors goes against the recommendations of major medical associations and could severely restrict access to critically important treatment. Gender-affirming care has been shown to significantly improve mental health outcomes and reduce risks like depression and suicidal ideation for transgender youth. Denying this medically necessary care puts vulnerable young people at risk of severe harm. The provisions criminalizing healthcare providers who provide gender-affirming treatment and threatening parents who support their children with abuse charges are extremely concerning from a medical ethics standpoint. Healthcare decisions should be made by doctors, patients, and their families - not politicians. These punitive measures will have a chilling effect, deterring providers from offering vital care out of fear of prosecution. Additionally, the exclusion of intersex youth from the parental consent requirement is discriminatory and fails to account for the medical complexities they may face. A one-size-fits-all approach is inappropriate given the nuances of gender identity and expression. I urge you to reject this legislation which runs counter to scientific consensus and human rights principles. Laws limiting access to gender-affirming care endanger the wellbeing and lives of transgender and non-binary young people. An interactive map from the Movement Advancement Project illustrates the disturbing proliferation of such healthcare bans sweeping the nation. As a representative, you have an obligation to uphold the best interests of all your constituents, including the most vulnerable. I implore you to vote no on this harmful proposal.

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