  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Keep Public Schools Neutral on Religion

To: Gov. Abbott

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

November 20, 2024

Public schools should remain secular institutions that provide an education free from religious indoctrination or promotion of any particular faith. Keeping religious teachings like Bible stories out of the curriculum is crucial to upholding the constitutional separation of church and state and respecting the diversity of beliefs held by students and families. Schools have a responsibility to create an inclusive learning environment where all students feel welcomed and accepted, regardless of their religious or non-religious backgrounds. Teaching religious narratives as fact in public school classrooms violates this principle of neutrality and can make certain students feel marginalized or pressured to conform to views they do not hold. A quality education focused on academic subjects, critical thinking, and preparing students for success should be the sole mission of public schools, without entanglement in religious matters that are best left to families and faith communities.

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