  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

Support Stop Corporate Capture Act for transparent rulemaking

To: Sen. Marshall, Rep. Mann, Sen. Moran

From: A verified voter in Dodge City, KS

November 29

The Stop Corporate Capture Act aims to increase transparency and public participation in the federal rulemaking process. It requires agencies to disclose funding sources and potential conflicts of interest for studies and research submitted during rulemaking. The bill also establishes an Office of the Public Advocate within the Office of Management and Budget to assist the public in participating in rulemaking and conducting social equity assessments of proposed rules. Additionally, it expands public outreach requirements for agencies on new rulemakings. By strengthening disclosure requirements and facilitating greater public input, this legislation intends to counterbalance corporate influence and give citizens a more meaningful voice in shaping federal regulations that impact their lives.

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