  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Strengthen election integrity safeguards to uphold democracy

To: Rep. Stanton, Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Chandler, AZ

October 21

The peaceful transfer of power is a cornerstone of American democracy. Any attempt to unlawfully overturn legitimate election results, such as the coup Donald Trump appears poised to attempt, is a direct attack on the Constitution and the will of the people. We must prioritize strengthening safeguards against future election subversion by actors like Trump, including clear consequences for those who seek to undermine free and fair elections. Congress has a solemn duty to protect our democratic institutions and processes from the very real threat Trump poses. Taking decisive action now is imperative to preserving the integrity of our elections and the stability of our nation against Trump's antidemocratic efforts.

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