- United States
- Letter
Question on Labor
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Hattiesburg, MS
August 20, 2024
First, I wish to offer a sincere congratulations to you, your family, and your campaign team on your nomination! I look forward seeing you, someone with qualified experience and energetic passion, lead the Executive Branch. Given how precious your time is, I will make this correspondence as brief as possible.
There is no nation without flaw, and some flaws are greater than others. Of all the issues I find most significant, affordable healthcare, affordable housing, cost of living spiraling out of control, etc., I believe there is one issue above all that must be handled before any lasting change can occur on the other aforementioned issues.
For decades, the voice of the working class has been further suppressed, leading to workers getting paid abysmal wages compared to their efficiency. It’s no hidden fact that wages have not kept up with inflation. I’m in Mississippi, a state where the workers are abused and yet happily votes for their abusers time and time again.
My question is this - will you make any concerted effort into strengthening the power of the DoL and unionization efforts across the nation, such as making an effort to have Congress revise labor laws to rid us of the “right to work” legislation states such as mine have?
I genuinely appreciate any response you may provide, and I wish you nothing just the best in your journey ahead.