  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Ban undisclosed collection of driving data by auto insurers

To: Sen. Cantwell, Rep. DelBene, Sen. Murray

From: A constituent in Woodinville, WA

June 9

The auto insurance industry should not be allowed to covertly collect driving data through automakers or apps without explicit consent. If telematics data is used for calculating premiums, insurance companies must provide their own monitoring hardware or apps as the only permissible method of collection. Consumers have a right to make an informed choice about whether to enroll in usage-based insurance programs that track driving behaviors. Undisclosed, backdoor data gathering represents an unacceptable violation of privacy. Further auto manufacturers should not be able to sell telemetry data from the car for any reason. Privacy is a right of the individual that must be explicitly honored by people, businesses, and government.

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