- United States
- Mo.
- Letter
As your constituent, I am urging you to protect Medicare and Medicaid from attempts to cut their funding or privatize them.
Sixty-seven million older adults and people with disabilities rely on Medicare for primary health insurance and 81% of Americans hold a positive view of traditional Medicare. By making Medicare Advantage the default Medicare option, the authors of Project 2025 will sacrifice the care of millions of people in order to enrich multi-billion dollar insurance companies and their CEO’s. Project 2025 would also place time limits or lifetime caps on receipt of Medicaid aimed at denying care to 18.5 million low-income beneficiaries who are not elderly or disabled.
At the same time, the Republican Study Committee has called for a $4.5 trillion cut from the Affordable Care Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Medicaid, resulting in more than 45 million people with low incomes losing care. More than 7 million seniors and people with disabilities rely on Medicaid for home care services and nursing home payments.
We cannot allow corporations to make millions off the backs of vulnerable Americans, and we cannot allow extreme cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act that would deny health coverage to tens of millions of people with low incomes. I strongly urge you to oppose any attempt to deny or make unaffordable health coverage to the millions who need it; instead, you should work towards making health insurance available and affordable to all.