  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Biden, Please step down

To: Gov. Newsom

From: A constituent in San Rafael, CA

July 11

urge you to PLEASE revitalize the upcoming election campaign by encouraging President Biden to step aside NOW and pass the mantle and his delegates to Kamala Harris. I acknowledge and am extremely grateful for the extraordinary job Biden has done as President. Nonetheless, I am now deeply alarmed by the faltering campaign and the voter apathy that has resulted in him running a tepid catchup race against the felonious, dangerous, anti-American, Donald Trump. I cannot summon up any more feigned confidence in candidate Biden. Joe must step aside honorably and put the election spotlight on Kamala Harris. This will allow us to put the age and mental acuity issues to rest and let Kamala prosecute the case against Trump effectively. The risks are so dire. It will be a proud moment that we democrats and reasonable centrists can rally around. We absolutely must defeat the MAGA republicans. Our American future depends on it. Joe Biden has had his opportunity (time and money) to make his case and has not succeeded as a candidate. It’s time BEFORE the Convention to turn over a new leaf and make a dramatic reset. This is far more important than allowing a faltering Joe Biden to save face and hope for the best. Please act, decisively. I fear for our democracy.

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