- United States
- Fla.
- Letter
Registration/Driver License Insurance Req's for Out of State Military Residents
To: Rep. Alvarez, Gov. Desantis, Sen. Boyd
From: A constituent in Riverview, FL
August 26, 2024
The state of Florida has recently started requiring proof of insurance in order to renew vehicle registration and maintain a valid driver's license. These requirements are causing untold hardships for active duty military members residing outside the state. I'm writing to alert decision-makers to this issue. As it stands, military members are being caught up in the state's effort to crackdown on uninsured motorists. I am active duty military living in Virginia and the effort required to renew my registration online is ridiculous! I sent my orders, an affidavit, payment, and proof of insurance but it was rejected because a photocopy of my license was needed (but not listed as a requirement). Additionally, I have been threatened with unjust license suspension for "missing proof of Florida insurance" - I carry VA insurance because that's where I live. That has happened twice and my FL resident subordinates have experienced the same. Please rethink this process and make it easier for military members stationed out of state to comply.