  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Johnson, Sen. Baldwin, Rep. Grothman

From: A verified voter in Beaver Dam, WI

November 19, 2024

Hello, my name is Maily Kocinskim and I am a constituent. I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act. Congress MUST NOT give the incoming administration power to take away the rights of non-profits representing vulnerable communities. This bill goes right at the heart of the first amendment and the freedom to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances" without fear of reprisal. Giving Trump's Treasury Dept. unilateral power to revoke the tax-exempt status of nonprofits will be incredibly dangerous in the years ahead. Thanks!

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