  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

June 23

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. My letter writing to elected officials has taken a hiatus recently. Primarily because I’m tired of the noise. I know who I’m voting for come November. That’s the bottom line for me. But I can’t help but react when I see something so silly that it makes me laugh out loud. Today I speak of my junior senator. Who all of a sudden believes that playing politics for reelection is a mortal sin. “According to Politico, [Sen. Ted] Cruz is taking issue with signs that say “Project Funded By President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” saying the administration has “highly politicized” the $1 trillion law, which the president signed in 2021. “I write to refer this to you [the head of the Office of Special Counsel on Thursday] for investigation as a possible violation of the Hatch Act, federal law that broadly prohibits using taxpayer dollars for campaign activity,” the Texas Republican wrote in a letter to the head of the Office of Special Counsel on Thursday, per Politico. “Congress, not President Biden, wrote [the infrastructure law], and it did not do so to aid the President’s reelection campaign.” A White House spokesperson told Politico in response “that the signs ‘promote transparency and inform taxpayers how federal dollars are being spent.’” She added, “If Senator Cruz were half as concerned about Texas kids getting safe drinking water as he is about signs, he might have voted for the Infrastructure Law.” So true. Sour grapes that you’re not able to tout all the projects going on in your home state. Although I’m pretty sure you are, and will, regardless. Because hypocrisy is the name the game when you don’t have anything else to point to. Oh. And please remind me whose name appeared prominently on Covid stimulus checks? The cash distributed directly to we the people? Ha ha ha. Good one.

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