  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Morrisville, PA

August 30

Our food and air are tainted. Our lives threatened still by covid and potential pandemics to come that we have no infrastructure for since private equity and have anyone to support this so called nation has burnt out doctors and nurses from Healthcare from having to fight overcrowded hospitals. You cannot keep expecting folks to work themselves to death w the politicians such as yourself will continue to sell us to the highest bidder. America is a third world country in a nice flashy coat pretending to be something it is not. We need to stop lying to ourselves. Vice President Harris, i f you do not recognize Palestinian statehood, eliminate student debt, abolish police and prisons in favor of true community care, we will never forget ho ence. We glorify war. We glorify suffering and tell people to get over it. We are a violent white supremacist country who says thoughts and prayers after a shooting while we congratulate white men on gun culture. We glorify viol I believe there are two Americas. The one where people get rich and get to make deals and look good on camera. And the rest of us clamoring for what we c an to make it each day

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