  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

McLaren Emergency Room in Petoskey, MI needs to be investigated

To: Gov. Whitmer, Sen. McCann, Rep. Morse

From: A constituent in Kalamazoo, MI

August 8

Yesterday, August 7, my father who has been battling Leukemia got a call at 11am saying his Potassium levels were dangerously high and he had to go to the ER because they were worried about his heart. He went in to McLaren’s Emergency room in Petoskey, MI. After about 4 hours, he left and went to his oncologist because it was taking so long. They sent him back to the Emergency Room. Finally, at 11pm, he was admitted. However, they lost his paperwork. How is this acceptable? At the very latest, he was at the ER at 5 after seeing his oncologist. Six hours to wait (I’m not including the first 4 to be fair) is ridiculous and dangerous. Them losing a patients paperwork is absolutely unacceptable. Earlier this year, he went to the same ER for a potential bowel obstruction and also had a several hour wait (I believe around 5 hours). This ER needs to be investigated. I will also be filing a report with Medicare.

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