  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Codify Roe v. Wade, protect reproductive rights now

To: Sen. Kaine, Rep. McClellan, Pres. Biden, Sen. Warner

From: A constituent in Richmond, VA

August 11

As we face a harrowing future where women's fundamental rights over their own bodies are being stripped away, immediate action from Congress to codify Roe v. Wade is imperative. The Supreme Court's decision has opened the floodgates for states to impose draconian restrictions, denying millions of women access to safe and legal abortion care. This cruel ruling will have devastating consequences, reverting us to a perilous era when desperate women resorted to dangerous, back-alley procedures that jeopardized their lives. We demand that Congress act swiftly to enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade into federal law, ensuring reproductive rights are safeguarded nationwide. Furthermore, we urge expanding access to comprehensive sex education, affordable contraception, and vital programs that support working families, such as the Child Tax Credit. Additionally, Congress must take steps to protect the privacy of individuals who use period-tracking apps, shielding them from potential prosecution in states that have criminalized abortion. The Supreme Court's ruling is a deplorable assault on women's autonomy and a stark reminder that our hard-won freedoms are constantly under threat. We cannot and will not surrender our fundamental liberties. Congress holds the power to rectify this injustice and restore the constitutional right to abortion care. Failing to act would be a dereliction of duty, consigning countless women to a bleak future of subjugation and suffering. The time to act is now – codify Roe v. Wade and protect our reproductive rights once and for all.

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