  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Carey, Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown

From: A verified voter in Columbus, OH

October 14

After observing “news” reports, I am astounded by how flagrant the spreading of misinformation has become. Candidates and their cronies make outrageous claims that are verifiably untrue, and no one—not the media, not our elected officials—makes any attempt to try to correct the record. It feels like we’ve become unsure what “the record” is anymore. I am writing today to urge you to take the initiative to introduce legislation to hold liars, scammers, grifters, and worse accountable for spreading misinformation. It is sad to admit that we are at a place in our society where we will have to legislate ethics in new ways, but it seems sadder to know that there are powerful people who are taking advantage of the current system’s laxity to perpetrate serious harm to the American people.

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