  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

January 3

I am your constituent and I see that there is a movement afoot in Congress to cut Medicaid spending. I want you to know what the fallout will be. There are 9 states with trigger laws that will completely roll back Medicaid expansion to the federal poverty Limit only. That will force 3 million people out of health insurance. Additionally there are another 18 million who will risk losing their health insurance because states that have expanded Medicaid would have to make up the lost federal funds. That’s 21 million people - that’s a quarter of those on Medicaid and 6% of the US population. That will create significant hardship for them and for our public health systems. I strongly urge you to NOT ENACT ANY CUTS TO MEDICAID. If you’re worried about paying for deficits, try having the IRS collect all that is owed and implement a fair corporate tax. Don’t fund the tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of the poor. Thank you.” Here is a link to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis so you can judge for yourself.

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