  1. United States
  2. Letter

It's time to save our country from these Christian Nationalist Traitors

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Tuckerton, NJ

July 2

You have been given a chance to save American democracy. Take it! The Republicans think we on the Democratic side are too weak to meet fire with fire. Prove them wrong! Use your new powes to expand the Court to 13. Use your power to bypass the Senate review. Prosecute all current and former members of Congress involved with the treasonous Jan 6 Insurrection. Prosecute Mrs Thomas & Mrs Alito for the same. Pass Executive Orders removing Citizens United and all other dark money avenues & make bribery illegal again. Restore Roe. Make Bump stocks and semi-automatic weapons illegal. Restore the Income tax to pre-Reagan levels. Wipe out college debt. Make it illegal for corporations to own more than two housing buildings. Pass Medicare for All. Nationalize all gas companies. "When they go low, we destroy them" needs to be our new motto. Knock them out, Mr. President & Mrs. Vice-President.

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