  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Support Ranked Choice Voting Act for better representation

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Waters, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Hawthorne, CA

September 22, 2024

I am writing to urge your support for the Ranked Choice Voting Act, which would transform congressional elections by promoting more positive and substantive campaigning, eliminating the spoiler effect that marginalizes third party and independent candidates, and ensuring that elected representatives receive a true majority mandate. Ranked choice voting allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, fostering greater choice and competition. It incentivizes candidates to appeal to a broader range of voters beyond their base, resulting in less negative campaigning and better representation for all. By adopting ranked choice voting for congressional elections, we can strengthen our democracy, encourage participation, and ensure our elected leaders have genuine majority support. This common-sense reform deserves your full backing.

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