- United States
- Letter
Support Term Limits and End Big Money Lobbying for a United America
To: Pres. Biden
From: A constituent in Falls Church, VA
November 8, 2024
I am writing to express a sentiment shared by the vast majority of Americans: 80% of us support implementing term limits for our public servants across all political affiliations, along with removing the influence of big money lobbying from our government.
These two issues—term limits and eliminating undue influence from powerful interests—are unifying matters that resonate strongly with citizens on both sides of the aisle. Yet, despite the widespread support, discussions in our government seldom focus on these points. Instead, the narrative is often redirected to divisive issues that drive us apart.
As representatives of the American people, we urge you to address these unifying reforms. Now, more than ever, our nation needs leadership that brings us together. United, we are stronger; divided, we falter. Please consider these pressing concerns and stand with us in taking meaningful action.
Wake up, America depends on it.