  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Support Sanders' resolutions to stop arming Israeli-Palestinian conflict

To: Rep. Thompson, Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Woodland, CA

September 23

As your elected representatives, it is imperative that you support Senator Bernie Sanders' resolutions to block over $20 billion in arms sales to Israel. The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis, with over 41,000 casualties in Gaza and the displacement of countless families. Much of this destruction has been carried out using U.S.-provided military equipment, making the United States complicit in this tragedy. The resolutions aim to halt the sale of missile systems, tank rounds, fighter jets, and other weaponry that has contributed to the severe devastation in Gaza. Homes, hospitals, schools, and entire communities have been wiped out, and the death toll continues to rise. This level of violence and suffering is unacceptable, and it is our moral obligation to take a stand against it. While the resolutions face an uphill battle, your support would send a powerful message that the United States cannot condone or enable the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. It is time to prioritize human rights and diplomacy over military escalation and arms sales. By supporting these resolutions, you can help pressure all parties involved to pursue a peaceful resolution to the conflict and address the humanitarian crisis. The people of Gaza, and indeed the world, are looking to the United States for leadership and compassion. We urge you to seize this opportunity to uphold our nation's values of human rights and justice by voting in favor of Senator Sanders' resolutions. The time for action is now.

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