  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Swalwell

From: A verified voter in Fremont, CA

May 23

Masking Works, and yet we've let this very important tool in what should be a multi-layered approach to Covid mitigation fall to the wayside. Instead of embracing this "you do you" nonsense, we should have masking mandates in place. At the very least, in hospitals, government offices that require the public come in to conduct business and transit such as buses, trains, and airplanes. It's also downright disgusting that we're no longer covering the cost of covid vaccines for uninsured people. These vaccines were developed with taxpayer dollars assisting them, and yet we've let these companies run away with the results in the name of turning a huge profit instead of ensuring that everyone has access to them for protection and mitigation. It is not acceptable. We need to do more to mitigate Covid, and it's unacceptable that the government has turned its back on the American people in this.

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