  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Restore Congestion Pricing

To: Sen. Rolison, Assembly Member Beephan, Gov. Hochul

From: A constituent in Fishkill, NY

June 8

Congestion pricing in NYC must proceed as planned. Not only are we throwing away the opportunity to improve the functionality of NYC, multiple industries are depending on the proceeds of congestion pricin g for income and jobs. The short-sighted cancelling of this program to appease Hudson Valley suburbanites (but I am a regular HVAC commuter in Metro North and I strongly suppor t congestion pricing) and NJ commuters makes it worse for everyone. Cancelling also has devastating effects on the whole nation's progress toward climate action. Forget disappointment; Gov. Hochul's action is deplorable and makes me ashamed of her administration's cowardice. We are New York and we are leaders. It' s a shame I voted for her.

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