  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Frazier, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Gov. Abbott, Sen. Paxton

From: A verified voter in Mc Kinney, TX

August 15, 2024

I am writing to express my concern regarding the escalating inflation rate in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, which is now higher than the national average. After analyzing the Consumer Price Index (CPI), it is clear that a significant contributor to this rise is the inflation in the cost of energy—specifically electricity and natural gas. This is not a partisan issue; it is a Texas issue that requires immediate attention. As the largest energy producer in the country, Texas should be leading the way in providing affordable energy to its residents. Instead, we are facing a situation where our deregulated system has allowed energy costs to rise faster and become significantly more expensive than those of our neighboring states, such as Oklahoma and Louisiana. It is concerning that more than 20 states currently have cheaper electricity than Texas. Our state should have the most affordable energy in the country, yet our residents are burdened with rising costs that are outpacing national averages. I urge you and your colleagues in the Texas Legislature to take meaningful action to protect consumers from the industry players who have allowed these prices to soar. It is imperative that we reevaluate the impact of deregulation on our energy market and ensure that Texas families and businesses are not unfairly penalized by these rising costs. Please consider proposing legislation or supporting existing efforts that aim to stabilize and reduce energy costs for Texans. We need leadership on this issue that prioritizes the well-being of Texas residents over industry profits. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and any actions you plan to take to address this critical issue.

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