- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28, 2024
Considering the prevailing human carnage and atrocities unleashed upon the Palestinian people, we can no longer remain silent and indifferent. The escalating violence, the suffering of children, their muffled cries echoing in the rubble of demolished homes, it all demands our immediate attention. At the heart of these injustices lies a policy funded by American taxpayers: the blind support for Israel and its military operations against the Palestinian people by the U.S. government. As concerned global citizens and advocates of peace, we urge, with the utmost sense of urgency, for an immediate cessation of this destructive policy. Military aid sent to Israel is not deployed for defense, nor to secure peace; on the contrary, it fuels a cycle of violence that disproportionately impacts innocent Palestinian civilians. This very financial and material aid is paradoxically underwriting systemic human rights violations, including but not limited to, unlawful killings, forced displacements, and the systemic destruction of Palestinian homes and infrastructure. It is time that we address this ominous anomaly that contradicts the values of liberty, justice, and human dignity the United States of America prides itself on. Our call to action is, thus, twofold - Firstly, we demand an immediate and lasting ceasefire, and a significant move towards lasting peace negotiations. Secondly, we demand that the U.S government halt the funding and arms supplies fuelling these heinous acts against humanity. We must recalibrate our moral and ethical compasses to demand justice, advocate for equal rights, and promote peace. For the cries from beneath the debris in Gaza are not just of suffering but also of seething despair in our collective inaction. To remain silent is to be complicit, and to be complicit in such a tragedy is an affront to our shared humanity. Let us find the courage to break this circle of silence and stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
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