An open letter to Gov. Lee, Sen. Campbell, Rep. Mitchell.
  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Lee, Sen. Campbell, Rep. Mitchell

From: A verified voter in Nashville, TN

April 19

The current effort by the legislature and Gov Lee to allow loaded handguns in public and private schools in the hands of minimally trained educators and school employees is on e of the most idiotic ideas ever entertained by the legislature and the Governor. If this bill become law it will send a terrible message to the entire country about the intelligence and common sense of all of you. I can think of many descriptors for this idea: hairbrained, dim witted, terrible, unbelievable, dangerous, abhorrent, irresponsible, negligent, catastrophic, ill-conceived, illogical. Signing this bill into law will put teachers, administrators, and other school employees in an untenable position and will likely result in harm to innocent students either because of inadvertent discharge of a firearm or as a result of being caught in unnecessary crossfire (assuming an armed school employee is foolish enough to discharge a weapon at an intruder. Surely, if you consider the potential negative consequences against the potential for actually preventing a school shooting you'll come down against this proposed legislation. Gov Lee, you have an obligation to veto this bill if it makes it to your desk. Signing in into law or even allowing it to become law through inaction on your part will be a dereliction of duty and a breach of the public trust. Please do the right thing and veto this bill.

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