  1. United States
  2. Letter

Rafah Attack: Stop Giving Israel Money & Demand Ceasefire Now

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Metairie, LA

May 28

The recent Israeli strike on Rafah that killed at least 45 Palestinians, including 12 women and 8 children, is utterly devastating. Images of charred bodies and the destruction of a camp housing displaced people are heartbreaking and unacceptable. While Israel claims it was a tragic mishap, this incident only underscores the dire need for an immediate ceasefire to protect innocent civilians trapped in this conflict. The escalating violence and loss of life must end now. We urge an immediate halt to military operations in Rafah and renewed efforts towards a lasting ceasefire agreement. The safety and well-being of all civilians, especially the most vulnerable like women and children, must be the top priority. Diplomatic pressure should be applied to secure an enduring peace that upholds human rights and dignity for all people in the region.

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