- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
PRESIDENT The alarming incidents of unflinching violence and the apparent disregard for human lives, specifically in the context of the US-backed Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinian civilians, demand our immediate and profound attention. For years, we have observed an unsettling deterioration of human rights that challenges the basic foundations of our collective moral fiber. The United States, a global leader advocating for peace and freedom, ironically continues to fund and arm these acts of oppression, turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed. The excessive use of force, numerous acts of displacement, and widespread draconic measures levied against the Palestinian population exhibit a shocking display of crimes against humanity. These actions not only violate international law but also contradict the democratic values and moral principles that the United States is founded upon. Comprehensive peace is undeniably a complex endeavor, yet it should not absolve us of the moral obligation to condemn and to curtail any form of support towards the unjust oppression of any people. In the face of these escalating repercussions, the just course of action is also the most humane one - to cease the provisioning of financial aid and the supply of arms that fuel the unrelenting violence against Palestinians. The funding provided empowers the initiators of this hostility, thereby contributing to the escalation of violence, destruction, and displacement that we have, thus far, done nothing but tacitly endorsed. We, therefore, urge a re-evaluation of this troubling stance, advocating for a cease in military aid and arms sales to Israel until a thorough and unbiased review of its use is conducted. We believe in human dignity, freedom, and justice, values which should not be compromised or selectively applied. The systematic and relentless oppression against the Palestinians warrants not just our unified condemnation, but also our unyielding efforts to put an end to these crimes against humanity. We must lead with morals, compassion, and a firm commitment to justice, for that's the true essence of humanity.
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