  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Congress must investigate possible Russian infiltration into our government!

To: Rep. Sherman, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Reseda, CA

March 2

House Republicans hoping to impeach President Biden have repeatedly promoted information that appears to have been based partly on Russian disinformation. For example, many Republicans have cited an F.B.I. document in which an informant accused Biden and his son, Hunter, of taking $5 million bribes from the owner of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company. But federal prosecutors have now accused the informant, Alexander Smirnov, of fabricating the allegation to damage Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. Smirnov has told the F.B.I. that people linked to Russian intelligence passed him information about Hunter Biden. A federal judge has since ordered Smirnov detained and called him a flight risk. Good. But what is our government doing to address the implications of this explosive revelation? We must understand just how far Russian intelligence has infiltrated our own government. When will we see hearings? The Smirnov news is a scandal of massive proportions; we need to know who knew what, and when. Both the Senate and the House must launch investigations into which Congressmembers, if any, were complicit with Smirnoff and other Russian operatives. This is a threat to our national security; please treat it like one. Thanks.

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