  1. United States
  2. Letter

Call for Arms Embargo on Israel Over Gaza Crisis

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

August 19

It is imperative that the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, reassess her stance on the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories. The situation has escalated to a dire humanitarian crisis, with the latest figures indicating over 40,000 Palestinian civilian casualties and the risk of famine threatening one million children. These atrocities are enabled by continued US military aid to Israel, which has rendered the Palestinian people voiceless in peace negotiations. To garner widespread progressive support and uphold the principles of human rights, Harris must pledge to impose an arms embargo on Israel until it agrees to a permanent ceasefire and grants Palestinians a legitimate voice at the negotiating table. Failing to take decisive action against the genocide in Gaza will undoubtedly cost her a significant portion of the anti-war vote. The path forward requires bold leadership that prioritizes human lives over financial interests or political allegiances. I urge Harris to stand on the right side of history by using her influential position to end US complicity in these war crimes against the Palestinian people. Only then can we move towards a just and lasting resolution to this decades-old conflict. The progressive movement will not compromise on this moral imperative.

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