- United States
- Wash.
- Letter
Every day, we awake to a new sunrise, a new hope - a hope that our human bond, a bond that does not recognize borders or bias, will find its way into the hearts of the powerful, cracking the walls of indifference and activating the sense of common humanity that we all share. Today, I write as an average man to draw your attention and implore immediate action towards the issue that stains our collective human conscience - the ceaseless violence and infliction of suffering upon the Palestinian people.
Our commitments to advancing human dignity and freedom shouldn't be compromised by the economic and political ties that fuel conflicts. It's disheartening to see U.S. funding directed towards Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians, and the continued support through the provision of arms. Such actions have resulted in countless lives lost, families shattered, and dreams vanquished in rubble and smoke. The use of U.S. financial and military resources should align with the nation's values of democracy, freedom, and respect for human rights.
Time cannot be a luxurious commodity when lives hang in the balance. We cannot sit back and witness such heinous crimes against humanity with folded hands. Every moment that passes under the shadow of relentless airstrikes, and every penny that contributes towards the machinery of death, pushes us further into a future where our shared human values are blurred under the smoke of destruction. Therefore, it's incumbent upon us to staunchly advocate for a cessation of these atrocities and demand an immediate ceasefire in earnest. Where words fail, let our actions speak, and where politics wavers, let our humanity persevere.