  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

SCOTUS Reform or Bust

To: Rep. Raskin, Pres. Biden, Sen. Cardin, Sen. Van Hollen

From: A constituent in Rockville, MD

July 2

In its recent decisions, the conservative Supreme Court has effectively given itself the final say over regulations - which are created by laws passed in Congress and ultimately finalized and enforced by Executive branch agencies. The SCOTUS majority has also decided that Presidents cannot be prosecuted or even investigated for “official acts,” and SCOTUS will ultimately get to decide what counts as an “official act” or not. SCOTUS has decided that it can usurp the powers and authorities of the other two branches of government. This is an urgent constitutional crisis! But most Democrats, from the President on down, aren’t acting like it is. The Democratic Party is fundraising off SCOTUS’ power grab and asking for votes because of the power grab, but almost nobody in the party is actually responding to the power grab in a substantive way. At a minimum, Democrats need to push for SCOTUS reforms like: ⁃ Adding 4 more seats to the court ⁃ Introducing term limits for Justices ⁃ Implementing an enforceable code of ethics on Justices and Federal judges Democrats should also consider and support: ⁃ Ways to draft legislation that is immune to judicial review ⁃ Constitutional amendments reversing the most egregious SCOTUS rulings ⁃ Ignoring the SCOTUS rulings gutting regulatory power and conferring Presidential immunity because they are unconstitutional Treat this judicial coup with appropriate urgency and then maybe you can fundraise and campaign off it. Otherwise, there is no point in giving you our votes or our money.

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