  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

With great urgency, I am writing today to plead for an immediate course change in our nation's actions and responsibilities on the global stage. The funding and arming of violent campaigns, particularly those involving Israel's destructive activities against innocent Palestinian civilians, cannot continue. This uncritical support for actions that have triggered such catastrophic human suffering and loss is not befitting of the dignity and moral standard purported by our country, nor of the basic human rights we, ourselves, fiercely defend. The conscience of our great nation, built on principles of equality and justice, should waver at the sight of innocent lives lost and human rights dismissed. Our actions and decisions carry weight. And when we turn a blind eye to the severe harm inflicted on human beings, the repercussions echo back in the form of destroyed homes, orphaned children, and a legacy of pain and fear. It must be understood with utmost clarity that the armaments provided by us are used to orchestrate these devastating scenes. A ceasefire is needed now, not tomorrow or the next day. This is our urgent plea to halt all funding of these conflicts and to initiate actions that promote peace, not perpetuate violence. Stand up for human rights, advocate for justice, curb the suffering of innocent civilians and mark an end to these crimes against humanity. This is the least we can do to affirm our place as a nation of values and champion of human rights.

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