Give Ohioans Privacy
  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Give Ohioans Privacy

To: Sen. Schuring, Gov. DeWine, Rep. Thomas

From: A verified voter in Canton, OH

April 22

Ohio has recently made the news in the ways it has been moving to protect children online in social media. However I do not think we have gone far enough. I feel that Ohio should enact a law modeled after the California Consumer Privacy Act or the General Data Protection Regulation. I like many Ohioans have old accounts that internet companies will not remove from their servers because there is no law to require them to. Ohio should move to protect Ohioans online and give them control of their digital data. If old accounts are left active it creates a larger target for identity theft of Ohioans considering the amount of data that even "simple" accounts require for creation. Please help Ohioans mange their online data by enacting strong privacy laws such as the California Consumer Privacy Act or the General Data Protection Regulation.

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