  1. United States
  2. Letter

2024 Voting Topics

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Horace, ND

August 20

Hello, I am a constituent from ND. I would like to see an improved tax system that targets both corporate wealth and individuals with excessive wealth. I feel like the amount of imbalance in the system wealth contributed to many problems in the US. If also like to see women's rights and bodily autonomy restored. The US does not need to be a nation were we fail to respect half of our population. Increase the number of federal regional court circuits to 15 and increase the Supreme Court to match with 15 justices. Add in term limits of 30 years and stagger the rotation so that each president will select a minimum of 2 justices per term. Reinstate and expand the Fairness Doctrine and give it some teeth so the FCC can better handle misinformation peddled by social media sites and cable stations. Ranked choice voting needs to be implemented for all federally elected positions. Minimum guidelines need to be established, that cannot be infringed upon by state laws, to allow for all voters to have a voice on the national level. Thanks, Adam

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